All photos shot by Daleep Aujlay
Every year, the run community of Vancouver gathers during the Holiday season to run, celebrate and raise money for local organisations. For our fifth year we wanted to mark the occasion with something a little different than our usual Holiday Social - from a (slightly ambitious) original plan to do a week long series of challenges, the idea for The Twelfth Day in December was born, with the goal to raise as much money as possible for Covenant House BC.

Some serious hustling from our Run Leaders brought together 12 challenge stations featuring tons of festive fun. The locations were plotted on a map of Kitsilano, but the route between them was completely up to the runners.

With over 100 runners ready to go, we put a last minute twist on the night and sent half the group east, and the other half west - competitive spirits were in full swing as they headed out into the night.
After a solid 7k of wreath tossing, santa bowling, caroling and Christmas movie trivia, everyone arrived back at the store for the real reason they came out - beers, pizza and raffle prizes from our generous suppliers.

We can’t say enough good things about the run community, especially at this time of year - we pulled together an incredible $2500 to donate to Covenant House, which this year will be tripled by private donors.

Our friends at lululemon stepped up again this year to partner with us on the event, and kindly gifted every participant a hot/cold bottle which we branded in celebration of the night.

Thanks to everyone who came out to run, the volunteers who stood out in the cold and helped us pull off our crazy idea, and all our suppliers and partners who stepped up with prizes and donations. We’ll see you in 2020 for year six!
Special thank you to all of the brands that supported this year's Holiday Social:
Hoka One One
Red Bull
All photos shot by Daleep Aujlay