Vancouver Sun Interview
We recently sat down with the Vancouver Sun for a chat about the concept of Vancouver Running Company and what made us decide to open a new type of run specialty store in Vancouver.
Yoga for Runners this week
Show your lower back some love this week in Flight Crew's Yoga for Runners class. Carolyn will help you release all the parts of the spinal column and offer some solid core work for optimal balance in the back! And.... back by popular demand: Carolyn's balls. After our spine-freeing flow, we'll roll out the glutes, calves and feet.
$10.00, capacity of 16, book your spot through or call us at 778.379.8511.


New Ciele Athletics Caps in stock
Ciele Athletics has taken the boring running cap and literally turned it on it's head. When it comes to personal style and quality technical fabrics Ciele has perfected the combination. As you know, we are huge fans of these great caps and right now we've got fresh stock of Summer colours in all styles.
View styles and availability

New SALE items added
We've added a few new sale items to the website and instore, including Women's and Men's Spring/Summer clothing and shoes. Sizing availability is limited to what's in stock.
Check out the deals