8 weeks to prepare you for your strongest 10K race at Vancouver’s annual Sun Run. Training takes place every Tuesday evening from 6:00pm - 7:00pm, at Vancouver Running Co.
Cost $95.00 plus tax

The Sun Run Clinic will be led by Vancouver Running Co. Owner Rob Smith, and Dave Watt, 2018 BC Cross Country and 8K age group champion. Rob and Dave will help you meet your Sun Run goals through weekly group training, and a plan to guide you throughout the rest of your week.
The 2020 Sun Run Clinic will be evening workouts every Tuesday:
Wk1 February 18 6:00pm-7:00pm
Wk2 February 25 6:00pm-7:00pm
Wk3 March 3 6:00pm-7:00pm
Wk4 March 10 6:00pm-7:00pm
Wk5 March 17 6:00pm-7:00pm
Wk6 March 24 6:00pm-7:00pm
Wk7 March 31 6:00pm-7:00pm
Wk8 April 7 6:00pm-7:00pm
Your registration includes:
- 8 weeks of guided training, every Tuesday between February 18-April 7
- 2020 Sun Run training plan to complete between workouts
- 15% off at Vancouver Running Co. for the duration of Sun Run Clinic
*Once your registration is confirmed you will be emailed a detailed information sheet to be filled out

Sun Run Clinic FAQ's
Q. When do the workouts take place?
A. Workouts will take place every Tuesday at 6:00pm from Vancouver Running Co.
Q. Will there be workouts to do between sessions on Tuesdays?
A. Yes, you will be provided a custom Sun Run training plan to keep you going the rest of the week.
Q. Where will the workouts meet?
A. Most all of the workouts will leave from Vancouver Running Co. 1886 W1st Ave unless otherwise noted.
Q. How long is each session?
A. Times will vary but count on each session taking 60min.
Q. Do you offer any discounts?
A. We cannot offer any discounts on clinics and training.
Q. Does my registration to the Sun Run Clinic include a registration to Sun Run?
A. No it does not. You must register for Sun Run separately here https://vancouversunrun.com.
Q. How far should I be able to run to participate?
A. To participate in the Sun Run Clinic you should be comfortable running 3km. Each workout will consist of a warm-up, a workout, followed by a cool-down.
Q. Tell me more about Rob Smith
A. Rob is one of the owners and General Manager of Vancouver Running Co. Rob has been running since the age of 11 competing in everything from 5K’s to marathons with his favourite distance being the half-marathon. Rob is the creator of the 2018 SeaWheeze training plan for participants and voice behind the mindful running series produced by lululemon, and is also the architect behind the 2020 Sun Run training plan, unique to this training program. When he’s not running you’ll find him hanging out with his family, enjoying a craft beer and possibly indulging in one of his other loves; surfing, camping or skiing.
Q. Tell me more about Dave Watt
Dave comes from road cycling but fell back in love with running about 10 years ago and was the 2018 BC cross country and 8K championship for his age group. With Dave’s move into the masters category he wants his training and racing to be an example for others that being fit, fast and healthy can happen throughout life. With Dave’s background as an RMT, including working with the Canadian Freestyle Ski Team, his understanding of how the body works is invaluable to a runners training and compliments his belief that running should be fun and accessible to all.
Q. Should I know anything else at this time?
A. Nope! You'll receive an email from us about one week out so we can gather any additional information we need. The email will include your training plan and schedule.