INSTANCE Sunday bRUNch - When killer socks and community collide
There's a notion that brand new fresh socks is one of life's great pleasures. Not unlike that new car smell, free beer or finding $5 stuffed in the pocket of a pair of jeans.
Amongst runners, a good Sunday morning usually involves running and a post-run coffee with friends. So what happens when you combine these things? The perfect Sunday? We'd like to think so.
This past Sunday we held INSTANCE Sunday bRUNch in collaboration with INSTANCE socks, FBomb Trading and Be Fresh Local Market. We have become big fans of INSTANCE Run socks since they were introduced to Canada last fall. They are not only functionally well made but they bring a style element to run socks that has never been seen. I grew up surfing and have always been into action sports and street style so I love seeing these cultures influence running apparel. It's something we aim to bring our customers and will never settle for the same old.
Runners from all different crews arrived at 9:30am to check out the INSTANCE Run spring 2016 collection and get some tech explanations from the crew at FBomb.
Once everyone was kitted out in the freshest run socks around, they could choose from a 5K or 8K run along the seawall and through Kits Beach.
Both routes finished up at Be Fresh Local Market where we were treated to their amazing hospitality and full post run spread of fruit, fresh baked cookies (easily the best cookies in Vancouver - try them!) and coffee.
Thanks to everyone that came out to enjoy the Sunday with us, FBomb Trading for hooking everyone up with socks and Be Fresh Local Market for being all around great neighbours and massive community contributors.
You can check out the INSTANCE Run spring collection at the shop or online while it lasts. Your Sunday long runs will never be the same!
'Till our next bRUNch!
All photos: Sam Fidlin