How long have you been running for?
Approximately 6 years. I started when I was first challenged by my mother to participate in the Sun Run in 2011.
Where is your favourite place to run?
Seawall, seawall, seawall!
Describe your best running memory
When I decided to run my first half marathon in 2014, my cousin had just flown back to Vancouver on a red-eye. It was torrential rain that day, and there she was standing outside in the rain with a sign for me, and then surprised me at the finish with a warm jacket.
What is your favourite post-run treat?
JJ Bean muffin…. Vegan friendly, of course ;)
Why did you start running with Flight Crew?
When I started running, I always ran solo. After a few years at it, I felt that I was missing out on something whenever I saw groups pass by; a case of FOMO, if you will… Then when I heard about Flight Crew, I decided to check it out and haven’t left since.
Your favourite Flight Crew memory?
Hard to just pick one, but I’ll have to go with Summer Social 2016. Cramming close to 200 runners into the shop to take over the streets was pretty epic, not to mention the after party ;)
What’s the running achievement you’re most proud of?
Finishing my first marathon in 2015 – my goal was to complete a marathon before 30 and I did it, in the “Happiest Place on Earth” nonetheless
What’s your favourite item of running clothing/accessory?
My Garmin 235, I have a tan line from the watch that just doesn’t want to budge.
If you could run with anyone in the world who would it be and why?
Can I be cheesy and say, “just my crew?” … Though, running with Christy Turlington Burns would be pretty awesome… I’m a sucker for 90s supermodels and she’s the only one of them who runs!
Favourite running distance?
If I’m out on my own, day to day, put me down for a 10K. Racing wise, I like the half, it’s a comfortable distance where I know I have the mileage in my legs that I can just pull out if needed.