Running With Music
If you've joined us on one of the regular Thursday night Flight Crew runs, you will have heard us say that headphones need to be removed. Part of this is safety, we want you to hear us when we call out oncoming traffic, but the real reason is that we're a pretty social group; how can we have a conversation when there's music in your ears? Well, with group runs of all kinds temporarily on lockdown, now’s your chance to head out on a solo run and crank those tunes to your heart’s content.
To get you started, here's my suggestions for an all out running themed playlist...
Run DMC (feat. Aerosmith) - Walk This Way
Anything by Run DMC would fit the bill, but a track that also features walking in the title seems perfect. When you’re starting out, using a 'run walk' strategy can be a great way to build up to a continuous run; just alternate a few minutes of running with a few minutes of walking in between to recover, and before you know it you'll be out there running without any breaks at all!
The Who - Run, Run, Run
The song literally features running three times in the title; that has to be a good sign, right? The truth is, consistency is key to becoming a more comfortable runner, and most regular runners will be out there about three times a week getting the miles in. It's just enough to feel like a regular routine, but still gives you plenty of days off to recover in between.
The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian
Let’s be honest, walking isn't exactly going to help you set any personal bests, and doing so like an ancient Egyptian is probably going to get a few stern words from your physio after you throw your hips out of alignment. That said, anyone who's run a marathon (or longer!) has probably had to hobble across that finish line with all sorts of wild footwork going on. If it helps you reach your goal, then any stride is fine in our eyes!
Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills
For those more into the long distance side of the sport, running to the hills is a great way to double up one of Flight Crew's Sunday trail runs with your weekly long run; it's something I've personally done on more than one occasion. Just be sure to pack a few extra snacks for the journey; you could be out there for quite a few hours, and no-one likes running on empty!
Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
Need I say more? You don't have to be an Olympic athlete, world champion, or track superstar; every single person that laces up their shoes and gets outside for a run is what we like to call a 'runner', and in that sense, we really were all born to run!
Hopefully these tunes will hit your playlist as you head outside, but whether you need some music for your motivation or you're more into the sounds of nature, remember that Vancouver Running Company is here to support you through these solo running days!